The Environmental Biogeochemistry Lab is a research-oriented facility that is designed for the analysis of major and trace elements in environmental matrices (soil, sediment, biomass and water). Some of the instruments listed below are housed in the ALEC facility in Gould Simpson Building, just a short walk from our labs in Shantz Building. You are invited to visit the ALEC web site for details on submitting samples for analysis or for training for use of those instruments.
Available Equipment: |
In the Shantz labs: |
In the Arizona Laboratory for Emerging Contaminants (ALEC): |
Services |
Some of the equipment listed above can be made available to other researchers, with fees charged to cover operating costs. Please send written request by email to the lab manager Mary Kay Amistadi and a copy to Prof. Jon Chorover. We will contact you as soon as possible to discuss further details. |